Lake Mayo Tournament Results


It was cold. It was windy. None of that mattered to most of the anglers though, ’cause the fish were BITING! 19 anglers showed to prove that had what it takes to catch ’em, and they sure did. 12 limits were brought to the scales. Overall stringer average was 8.29 lbs, with 157+ lbs brought to the scales.

Leading the way, and seemingly “fishing another lake” was Nate. He brought in the day’s best bag of 23 lbs even, winning by more than 10 lbs. Not surprisingly he also had the day’s big fish at 6.41 lbs. New biggest sack of the year…

Coming in 2nd, and unfortunately not pictured, was Troy with 12.54 lbs. Barry grabbed 3rd place with 12.22 lbs, also not pictured.

Next we head to Falls. Full results follow.

PlaceAngler(s)# FishWeight
1Nate Arrington523.00
2Troy Jones512.54
3Barry Trueheart512.22
4Mike Beaumont511.68
5Damon Clark510.56
6Blaine Brogden59.55
7Greg Taylor58.73
8Steve Thompson58.42
9Linnie Oakley58.37
10Tyler Dunn58.26
11Chad Watson57.45
12Robert Butler56.72
13Zach Farley46.42
14Grant Larose45.87
15David Ford45.61
16Nolan Clark34.79
17Don Farley34.40
18Tommy Jones11.77
19George Just11.13

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