Membership Drive Tournament Sunday, October 21


Sunday October 21, 2018- Falls Lake-Ledgerock
$100 per boat, Team or Individual includes $10 big fish entry

14 Entries as of 10/16/18

70% payback, on $90 entry fee
100% payback on BIG FISH
Blast off at safe light-weigh in at 3:30PM
5 FISH LIMIT-14” Minimum
1 place paid for every 5 entries
Blast off position to be determined by time of entry. Registration will begin at 5 AM.
***Pre-registration will begin August 1, 2018
Contact William Small 919-225-9282 or email to register
Cookout & Drinks provided at weigh in
Come have some fun and get information on joining Hibernia Bassmasters!
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